DAR Today Podcast

DAR Today Podcast - June 2024 - Week 3

Episode Summary

Hall Pass Series: In the Special Balcony Boxes in Memorial Continental Hall with Patrick Sheary, DAR Museum Marquis de Lafayette Series: Talking with Patti Maclay about the relationship between the Friends of Lafayette Organization & the DAR!

Episode Notes

June 2024 - DAR Today Podcast - Week 3

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

President General Pamela Edwards Rouse Wright

Brooke Bullmaster Stewart, National Chair DAR Today Podcast

Click for more information about the Daughters of the American Revolution!

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In This Episode:


American Friends of Layette web site: https://lafayette200.org/

Franco-American Memorial Committee page, NSDAR: https://www.dar.org/members/committees/special-committees/franco-american-memorial-committee/franco-american-memorial