DAR Today Podcast

DAR Today Podcast - April 2024 - Week Four

Episode Summary

Units Overseas Chapter Activities Unveiling the Statue of Gen. Bernardo de Galvez in Texas Lafayette! A Series, Part Deux; Lafayette coming to America and how we will celebrate that!

Episode Notes

April 2024 - Week 4 - DAR Today Podcast

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

President General Pamela Edwards Rouse Wright

Brooke Bullmaster Stewart, National Chair DAR Today Podcast

Click for more information about the Daughters of the American Revolution!

CLICK HERE to visit our YouTube (video) version of this podcast

To support the goals and mission of the DAR, please visit our web site at DAR.org/Giving

In This Episode:

Units Overseas Chapter Activities - link to the Units Overseas Committee Page: https://www.dar.org/members/committees/special-committees/units-overseas/units-overseas-committee Story written by Sherrie Stein, Video, graphics by Brooke Stewart

Statue Unveiled of Bernardo de Galvez! A statue commissioned by our National Society was unveiled in March of 2024 In Texas! Story copy provided by the President General’s Blog (this post written by Texas State Regent Marcy Carter-Lovick) Link: https://blog.dar.org/honoring-general-bernardo-de-galvez-veterans-war-memorial-texas

Lafayette! A Series, Part Deux; the Marquis Comes to America - Link to the Franco-American Memorial Committee Page on our Members website: https://www.dar.org/members/committees/special-committees/franco-american-memorial-committee/franco-american-memorial Video, graphics Brooke Stewart


Some Important Links:

DAR State Forests  www.dar.org/national-society/dar-forests Plastic Ocean Project http://www.plasticoceanproject.org/

DAR Conservation Committee Ideas: Conservation “Minutes”: https://www.dar.org/sites/default/files/members/committees/conservation/2023/Conservation_Conservation%20Minutes_%202023_09_25.pdf

Shop DAR!

Link to the Units Overseas Associate pin for Members: https://shop.dar.org/units-overseas/

Link to the Units Overseas pin to aid the work of the chapters during the Wright administration: https://shop.dar.org/units-overseas-wright-pin/

Link to the pin "Celebration of the Bicentennial of Lafayette’s Farewell Tour, 1824-1825": https://shop.dar.org/bicentennial-lafayette-1824-25/

Link to the pin: “Legacy of Bernardo de Galvez” https://shop.dar.org/legacy-of-bernardo-de-galvez/

Items Brooke was wearing:

ITEM: “Celebrate Stars & Stripes Forever” 20”x70” Scarf


ITEM: Firework Pin


ITEM: 18” Gold Figaro Necklace



All music is copyright free and provided by Epidemic Sound